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What are you putting out there (and how's it working?)

Phoenix Rising Remote Healing

Podcast Interview: Irene Weinberg, Grief and Rebirth podcast, asks Ellie;  "How Does Clearing Soul Obstructions Free the Inner Being to Shine"?

New News! My 5'th book as a contributing author, called "Good to the Last Drop!", Irene Weinberg's latest book project is coming out any day - I will keep you posted!


"I had an excellent healing session of my own with Ellie. Her healing modality facilitated a speedy resolution within me regarding a challenging familial relationship in my life."


Irene Weinberg, Grief and Rebirth podcast producer, N.J..

"Ellie puts a person at ease and really listens.  She makes it comfortable to talk, even about uneasy situations. The healing truly happens, quietly and calmly.

I am feeling lifted up and a lot more at ease about my stepson and his mother. 

Thank you!!!"

Diane Gault, retired & loving life more & more!


"Ellie’s healing power is one of the kind. When she is conducting her healing sessions, I can literally feel the opening of my crown and heart chakras and the healing energy flow through my body. I have greatly benefited from her phenomenal healing effect!" 

- Gina P., MA

Dear Friend;

 Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I hope you enjoy

the article and find it meaningful.


Have you ever wondered what your purpose is for being here on the earth plan?

Do you think part of it might be to help spread love? joy? hope?

If so, how is it going?


If you are still feeling sad, angry or resentful, you can't help but exude these lower vibrations to the people you come into contact with. You're probably not doing this intentionally, but if you're still carrying any unhealed wounds or trauma from the past, it's likely that in spite of your efforts to keep these uncomfortable feelings 'hidden', they are probably still being expressed in your energy field and felt by others. As we all know, we are made up of energy and as a result, radiate our inner thoughts and feelings outwardly.


Here are a few important reasons to heal the wounds from your past:


1 - You will become a HAPPIER person & increase your capacity to experience JOY.


2 - You will draw more positive experiences and interactions with the people you come into contact with.


3 - You will attract healthier, more loving relationships.


4 - Your unique, inner light will increase with every issue, trauma or disappointment you heal and as it does, you will naturally be able to share your light with everyone you come into contact with.


Why is # 4 so important? Because we are all here to make the world a better place.

I'm pretty sure that most of us want to know we fulfilled our purpose and helped others as much as we could by the time we get to the end of our life.


With each wound or issue that is healed, the load you are carrying becomes lighter. As you become lighter, you are happier and more available to life and to the people you care about. It becomes natural for you to want to share your joy and as you do, you raise the vibration of everyone you meet, wherever you go.


Even though I had a pretty rough upbringing, ever since I was a kid, it always made me feel good to do good deeds...especially with animals whenever possible, from helping a mother duck and her ducklings cross a street, to picking up a racoon who had been stunned by a light brush with a car & carrying it to safety, bringing turtles who were trying to cross the road to lay their eggs safely across, doing good deeds has always felt great and brought me joy.


As an adult, many of my encounters have to do with more focused healing and as part of my service work in recent years, I have been remotely healing wild life when called to do so; whales who need help, the kangaroos and koalas in Australia after the huge, recent fires, a neighbor's dog who was struggling with some chaos going on in the household etc.


I have a strong vibration and intentionally share my light wherever I go.

Recently, I met a few new friends for dinner and a movie. One of the women shared with me that her back had been bothering her. I suggested she sit next to me during the movie and when she did, I set a silent intention to help her and then let my radiating energy do what it does.

The next morning she was very excited when she called to let me know all of her back pain was gone! All I did was set the intention and let the healing energy I naturally exude help her.


As I spread my light, the world becomes a better place. As you spread your light, the world becomes a better place... isn't this a big part of why we're here?


If you have 1 or more emotional issues from the past that you are still carrying with you and that you would like to be free from, I can help you too.


Just reach out and schedule a free 20 minute consultation on the website (the link is at the top and bottom of this newsletter). Let's get you feeling better and lighter so you can not only increase your inner happiness, peace and joy, but so you can also be more present and increase your capacity to give and receive love with everyone you encounter.




Ellie 💚

Call or email to schedule a free consultation or a session: 1-508-237-4929

Happy, peaceful girl

Ellie Pechet, Remote Healer

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. Metaphysician, Shaman,

Remote Healer, Author


Effective, remote healing for individuals, couples, children and pets




*All sessions for you, your child or your pet are facilitated by Phone/Skype

or a photo in the comfort of your own home


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