Medical Intuitive Readings
One of Ellie Pechet's natural abilities is Medical Intuition. She uses this ability to identify imbalances and blockages related to your physical symptoms or conditions. She is also able to obtain information about injuries you may have.
A medical intuitive scan can serve as a blueprint for your healing work moving forward. Ellie does not discourage clients from seeking medical treatment; in many instances such as working with clients who are being medically treated for cancer, both approaches can be helpful simultaneously.
The Pechet Healing Technique enhances medical treatment and accelerates healing and recovery. In addition, conditions that might have been missed by the medical profession may be picked up during a Medical Intuitive Scan.

A blueprint for the treatment of a medical condition or symptom(s) is created as the result of doing a Medical Intuitive Scan. These scans are done from head to toe and the conditions that are most important to work on become evident, in order of priority, during the scan. The scan helps determine a course of action that will facilitate healing most quickly.
Ellie may recommend a combination of energy work with intuitive counseling to facilitate and expedite the healing process, She will give suggestions the client can implement on a practical level to accelerate progress.
The medical intuitive scan is a helpful first step in working with a client who has a physical symptom or condition. Thyroid conditions, problems related to digestion such as colitis or IBS, chronic neck and back pain, heart conditions and vision problems, are just a few types of conditions clients bring to Ellie when they are seeking assistance that is not available in the medical field.