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Would You Like to Feel A lot Better?

Remote, permanent healing
for emotional & physical issues


Call 508-237-4929 for a 20 minute consultation



Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.


Metaphysician, Shaman, Medium, Author



Extraordinary Results


Ellie Helps You with

Issues From Any Distance 



 93+ % Success Rate

Call 508-237-4929 for a
20 minute consultation 

Specializing in healing Grief and Trauma

Athena In Truth Podcast Interview
Grief & Rebirth Podcast Interview with Irene Weinberg

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 The Pechet Healing Technique


With the Pechet Healing Technique, you can look forward to having immediate results starting with your first session, and having a significant issue healed every session - wherever you are.


Emotional issues: Depression, Grief, Trauma and Anxiety are just a few conditions I heal remotely for my clients.


Physical conditions: From chronic pain, insomnia and asthma to the side effects from cancer treatment and vaccine toxicity are healed efficiently. Core emotional issues that contributed to cancer or other conditions are also identified and healed.


Sessions: Done remotely online or using a photograph.

Adults, children, spouses and parents get real results whether I am working with them or their picture.


Every member of the family who receives healing increases the health and the vibration of the whole family.


Solutions are natural and result oriented. Success is achieved because I intuit the root causes of the issues and then energetically dissolve them. Are you ready for increased well-being, deep relaxation and lasting peace of mind?


If you are experiencing Depression, Grief, Trauma, PTSD, Insomnia, Phobias, Chronic Pain, a condition that is life threatening... you will notice a significant improvement starting with your first clearing session.

When I work with you by phone or online, you will start to feel better immediately - wherever you are.

 Experience lasting freedom from any emotional and most physical issues and live your life empowered, with a profound sense of inner peace and  the joy that is your birthright.

I am your one stop shop when it comes to healing that is effective and lasts: In addition to having earned a Master’s Degree in Counseling, I am also a Shaman, Reiki Master, and a certified practitioner in the Yuen Method of Healing and the Electro-Magnetic Field Balancing Technique. I have spent the last 33 years developing my own Pechet Healing Technique - a cutting edge technique that provides Metaphysical Healing: a combination of highly advanced intuition and energy healing that gets you real results every session.


 Call now to schedule: 508-237-4929



Ellie 💜

Video Testimonials

Grief - My Young Adult Son Died Suddenly - Remote Healing Testimonial

Grief - My Young Adult Son Died Suddenly - Remote Healing Testimonial

Paige booked a session with Ellie after hearing her speak at a conference. Her son had been murdered his first year in college. Paige was devastated and completely shut down. It was hard for her to find joy and happiness in anything. She felt like her life was over and just getting through each day was a struggle. This went on for 7 years. She tried therapy and other modalities...nothing worked until she met Ellie. After just one remote clearing session with Ellie, Paige woke up the next day with a light heart and was astonished that she felt at peace about losing her only child. She was able to start engaging with life again and signed up for more sessions with Ellie because she had other issues she wanted to heal, such as a difficult relationship with her sister and a few other issues she wanted to feel at peace about. As the founder of Phoenix Rising Intuitive Counseling & Energy Healing, Ellie Pechet's mission is to bring her clients to profound inner peace by energetically clearing the negative conditioning, experiences, traumas and grief they have accumulated over their lifetimes. By first intuiting, then dissolving the most important issues that have been stuck in the body and energy field, Ellie's clients experience a higher quality of life starting with their first session. They love the fact that they are finally feeling happy, joyous and free from the pain of the past. To learn more, visit Phoenix Rising Intuitive Counseling & Energy Healing is located in Orange county, CA #energyhealing #distancehealing #elliepechet #Shaman, #spiritual healing, #remotehealing, #healinggriefremotely, #remotehealingfordepression, #remotehealingforanxiety,


Wake Up Women Book
Ellie Pechet,
Contributing Author
Chaos to Clarity
Ellie Pechet,
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Book Cover Crappy To Happy
Ellie Pechet,
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New Release!
Ellie Pechet,
Contributing Author

Long Distance, Permanent Healing, Effective Wherever You Are

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.

Metaphysician, Shaman,

Medium, Author

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