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Take Time for Yourself

Taking time for you this season - December

❤ Be Yourself ❤ Dare to Shine ❤ Love Who You Are ❤

Dear Friend In my last newsletter, I gave a few suggestions on how to help reduce the chances of getting cancer and how I help heal clients who have been diagnosed. The theme for this newsletter is the importance of taking quiet space for yourself this holiday season. Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Ellie 508-237-4929

Above, Toni describes how much better the holidays went with family last year after her childhood issues & triggers were cleared in her remote healing sessions. Listen now.

Gift Certificates for Remote Healing Sessions with Ellie Pechet


In sync with the giving nature of this holiday season! 💝

1) Buy an already discounted package of 4, (the Amethyst pkg.) & receive a 5'th session FREE! Value: $500 (Total savings inc discount = $700) 2) Buy an already discounted Phoenix pkg. of 12 and receive 2 bonus sessions FREE!! Value: $1,000 (Total savings including discount = $1,550!) *Just click on the button above and pay for the pkg you want. Let me know you saw this special offer here and I will add the addtl. session(s) to your package! Special offer ends December 17

It's easy to get caught up in the rush, rush hectic pace of the holiday season isn't it? So much so that we can forget what is truly important...being in the energy of peace, love, and connection, not just with those around us, but within ourselves. Especially now as we get ready for the holidays, prepare to end the year and begin a new year, it is of great value to continue to take time to silence your mind and come to a place of inner peace. Whether it's dressing warmly and walking in a pretty place you like in nature, meditating, connecting with your Guides, working out at the gym or finding somewhere you can float in a tank free of outside stimulation... take a few moments and plan how you will take this precious time for yourself. Gandhi was once asked what he does when he was too busy too meditate. I love his response which was "I meditate twice as much" What he said makes sense if you think about it. The busier we get and the faster we start moving, the more we need to realize it and deliberately slow down. Why is it so important to slow down? When we take the quiet time we need for ourselves on a regular basis, we are more balanced and more peaceful. As a result, we are able to connect with our friends and family more centered in our hearts which have an abundance of love just waiting to be expressed! Everyone benefits when you take the time you need for yourself and if you have children, (who are always watching everything you do and say anyway) you will be setting a great example for them when they see you practicing good self care by taking quiet space for yourself. Not only are you role modeling good self care, they will benefit too by how much more calm and even playful you are with them as a result. Another suggestion as we come to the end of 2022: Take some time to sit down with a nice cup of tea or your favorite java and a notebook or journal and do some deep reflecting about the past year. How did it go for you? What obstacles did you encounter? How do you feel about the way you handled them? What clarity (I like to call them Gold Nuggets) did you gain from the experiences that felt especially significant to you? In what areas in your life would you like to grow as we get ready to bring in the New Year?

  • Deeper Inner Peace?

  • Greater Self Empowerment?

  • Deeper Connections in Your Relationships?

  • A Deeper Connection with Your Divine Guidance?

  • Greater Abundance & Prosperity?

The New Year is the best time to set your intentions and clear any short or long term issues that might be getting in your way. I can help you achieve whatever your heart desires. Just remember that you are special, you are here for a reason, and you are worthy of living a life that is peaceful and free. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah Love,


Remote Healer and Shaman Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.,

Quote: After I cleared a very painful emotional issue in her first session this week: "I can see clearly now. I feel released from a deep burden I have been carrying." Abigail Feliciano, Boston (Click this link to see what other clients say):

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed., Shaman, Metaphysician, Remote Healer

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. Metaphysician, Shaman,

Remote Healer, Author 508-237-4929 *All sessions for you, your child or your pet are facilitated by Phone/Skype or a photo in the comfort of your own home

If you are looking for hope and to believe you can be helped, call remote healer Ellie Pechet


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