❤ Be Yourself ❤ Dare to Shine ❤ Love Who You Are ❤
Dear Friend; I hope you enjoy this blog and that it helps you connect the dots in one or more ways in your own life and what you are (or might not be) manifesting.
Determined to heal cancer, 29 y.o. Julia shares:
It takes courage to grow. If you are leaning in to your growth and healing instead of resisting your natural tendency to evolve, good for you. It's not easy but it is so important for your growth not only as a Soul, but also as a human on this earth plane we call home. I sometimes chuckle to myself when I think of this plane as boot camp for all of us humans. For those of you who believe one's Soul continues after the process we call death, you know the experience here on earth is temporary. Although our Souls are already highly developed, my belief is that when we come to the earth plane again, we have an opportunity to choose how we are going to handle a series of specific experiences we agreed to go through in this life, before we incarnated. I think of them as Assignments on a higher level, designed to help us stretch and grow as human beings, adding to our repertoire and development as a Soul in the big picture. As humans, we know that we have free will and choice and how and what we choose counts. Julia works in the medical field and continues to comply with a medical approach to the cancer in her body. She is currently undergoing another round of chemotherapy and radiation. This young woman is just 29 years old, recently married and in love. She realizes there has to be more to the cancer that developed than just the obvious physical aspect. In my experience of helping heal clients the past 33 years, there is almost always a lesson to learn or emotional issues that need to be healed. If continually ignored, they are more likely to develop into physical illness, such as heart disease, cancer, chronic pain, I.B.S. etc. Many years ago, I discovered a wonderful book written by Louise Hay that I highly recommend. It is called Heal Your Body, Heal Your Life. (You can purchase it easily by clicking on the link). In the book, she points out the connections between many specific physical ailments and the emotional issue it represents. One example is a 'chronic stiff neck' having to do with 'one's inability or unwillingness to see other viewpoints'. I admire Julia's courage and determination to become the Master of her life by healing the emotional issues that have contributed to the development of cancer in her physical body. She is utilizing the remote healing services I provide to significantly accelerate the process of healing her core, unresolved issues. As you can hear in her video above, after just a few sessions, she is no longer hearing the negative self talk that plagued her all her life. She is also noticing many other improvements.
Are you ready to get to the bottom of your symptoms or conditions and have me heal them efficiently and for good in the comfort of your own home? All you need to do is be willing to show up and allow yourself to receive the healing. If I haven't worked with you yet, you might want to call to schedule a free 15-20 minute consultation with me. After all, your life is waiting for you... Love, Ellie ❤
Special offer - Healing cancer remotely HAPPY VALENTINES DAY - SPECIAL OFFER REPEATED: A number of clients have asked me to repeat the recent special so here it is again:
1) Buy an already discounted package of 4, (the Amethyst pkg.) & receive a 5'th session FREE Value: $500 (Total savings inc discount = $700) 2) Buy an already discounted Phoenix pkg. of 12 and receive 2 bonus sessions FREE! Value: $1,000 (Total savings including discount = $1,550!) *Just click on the button below and pay for the pkg you want. Let me know you saw this special offer here and I will add the additional session(s) to your package! ❤ Special offer ends 2-10-23
FEBRUARY QUOTE: "Ellie is nothing short of a Master Healer. She completely cleared my depression, hopelessness, and the feelings of self-worthlessness that were with me for decades. She brought me out of a long pattern of being stuck in ‘victim’ mode. I can attest to her ability to intuitively identify issues and emotions and clear them powerfully and permanently, reinforcing each one with a powerful energetic ‘imprint’. " Sue Anderson, Utah (Click this link to read/listen to what other clients say):

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. Metaphysician, Shaman, Remote Healer, Author
Effective, remote healing for individuals, couples, children and pets.
*All sessions for you, your child or your pet are facilitated by Phone/Skype or a photo in the comfort of your own home