Dear Ellie
Thank you for taking the time to read this article about learning to love yourself more deeply. I hope you find it inspiring.
Going deeper with Self-Love:
Although a small number of us may be enjoying what I like to call a 'coasting' life, in which we may be enjoying a life that feels more like a gentle respite between lives, most of us have been assigned important lessons aka opportunities for growth over this life time.
I have a deep knowing that before incarnating, I agreed to take on these lessons in order to expand my growth as a Soul. I believe this is true for all of us. Early on, one of my most significant lessons was learning how to use the special power I came in with to help others. Coming from a destructive family that seemed bent on diminishing my light as I was growing up made it difficult in my earlier years to use my natural intensity only for good. (I write more about my childhood experience in my latest book contribution called "Good to the Last Drop". You can order it on the home page of my website listed with the other books I have either written or contributed to.)
I also came in as an Indigo child. As humans evolve, each group that incarnates is more evolved than the previous generation. Indigos came after the light-worker generation. We have a strong spirit and tend to be spiritual warriors. Indigos have a strong sense of justice, defend the weak and vulnerable and have a protective and natural connection with animals and wildlife. I was holding up traffic and helping ducks and turtles cross the road from a very young age, and am sure some of you have a similar connection with animals.
My mission as an intuitive healer became clear to me as I realized the immense, natural power I possessed, combined with a strong desire to help others.
I've had a truly wonderful and gratifying career healing people and pets mostly over the years.
Helping and healing others comes very naturally. In fact, doing good deeds, especially when they are spontaneous, is one of my greatest joys! Something that doesn't come naturally, which many of you who are reading this will probably be able to relate to if you have also come from families who were more wounding than loving, is the ability to love myself. Sometimes, loving and appreciating myself still feels like a foreign concept. Can you relate? Couple this with the fact that women are naturally wired to care for others, its how nature designed us to ensure the survival of the human species. Society also encourages women to be the care takers and care givers, and put others before ourselves, making it even more challenging to put ourselves and our needs first.

And for those of us who had a family that did not honor and cherish us as children, it is even more difficult to put ourselves first and cultivate genuine, authentic love for ourselves. So if it still seems challenging to love yourself however young or old you are, I hope this helps you understand that you are not alone and it does become easier to embrace your authentic wonderful lovable self when you heal past trauma and disappointments and more.
On a personal note, despite all of the personal and spiritual work I have been doing most of my adult life, self love has probably been the most challenging concept to embrace deeply. So what happens on a higher level until we get the lesson we are assigned? We keep getting opportunities to learn the lesson until we get it, then we graduate to the next opportunity for our growth as a soul.
About 6 weeks ago, I was making coffee in the kitchen, getting ready for an online meeting I was greatly looking forward to, with the Kogee elders from Columbia. I was excited to combine forces with them to help our PLANET, between my remote healing abilities and their innate knowing of what is needed now, this was definitely my cup of tea!
I fainted right there in the kitchen and in that instant, broke the Tibial bone, one of the 2 main bones in my right lower leg that attaches to the ankle. The break was so painful, my neighbors heard me scream.
The paramedics came and took me to the hospital, my first time riding in an ambulance. The next morning I had surgery and a few days later was transferred to a rehab facility for a couple of weeks.
This interesting life event happened the last week in August. All of my normal daily activities came to a screeching halt and for the first time, I was completely dependent on others to do things no one had done for me since I was a toddler.
I have done my own Pechet Healing Technique on my ankle; including the Tibial nerve damage and Peripheral nerve damage and it is healing beautifully.

This life event has given me the opportunity to feel grateful not only for the fact that I am able to do a lot of self healing, but also and especially for all the people who have helped me along the way with this injury. My neighbor Tracey, the neighbors next door who took care of my cat Tito, the wonderful caregivers in the rehab who tended to my every need when I was there, my sister Deb who has been very supportive on many levels and a few special women from a spiritual center I go to.
Has it been inconvenient? Heck, yes! Is there a lot for me to be grateful for? Absolutely.
And most of all, this event has made me slow down and be much more patient with myself and increase my self compassion and most importantly, my self love. The more we love ourselves the more capacity we have to love those around us and isn't this what we are all here for anyway?
To increase our capacity to love ourselves and love eachother.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If there is anything I can do to help you, please reach out, I'm just a phone call or an email away.
Recent Testimonial - My work with Families:
"I have worked with Ellie over 12 sessions now for my immediate family, clearing asthma for my boys and different aspects of childhood trauma for my husband. I am blown away from the impact she has made in my family's life. What I find most helpful, is that she can work remotely. This has been instrumental for helping my husband, who I can't drag to a spiritual healer to save my life."
Jennifer Orosco, Pediatrician, Orange, CA
To learn more about how I heal my clients and accelerate their expansion, click here

"When You Lose Touch With Yourself, You Lose Yourself in the World"
"Lean In To Loving Yourself More Deeply"
Ellie Pechet
(still) NEW NEWS:
My 5'th book as a contributing author is published and on the
home page of my website

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed. Metaphysician, Shaman, Remote Healer, Author
Effective, remote healing for individuals, couples, children and pets.
*All sessions for you, your child or your pet are facilitated by Phone/Skype or a photo in the comfort of your own home