Experience the transformative power of remote energy healing with me, Ellie Pechet, owner of Phoenix Rising Intuitive Counseling & Energy Healing. With over 33 years of experience helping and healing clients, you are able to receive a highly effective, cutting-edge healing technique that will address and resolve your emotional, physical, and spiritual issues, leaving you with lasting results every time I work with you. Receive high-energy level healing in the comfort and convenience of your own home as I work to permanently heal an important issue for you every session.
A very warm welcome to your next profound step in wellness on your journey. You can look forward to finally experiencing lasting healing and inner peace. With highly noticeable results every session - for real and specific issues such as; stress, grief, depression, anxiety, P.T.S.D., and physical conditions, you will also feel balanced, deeply relaxed and will enjoy a deep sense of peace by the end of every session.
Walk away with real, tangible results every session, feeling renewed and revitalized.
If you want to learn more about how I can help you, visit my website to sign up or call to schedule a free 20 minute consultation. I am here for you and ready to help.
By the way, Happy Spring - please remember to keep a lookout for Turtles  who are trying to cross roads & bridges to lay their eggs (they travel to the same place every year) & keep an eye out for animals in general as they are all especially active in spring.  Important tip: If you stop to help a turtle, (which I hope you will), always carry the turtle in the same direction she is heading in and place her down in a safe spot where she was heading, away from the road.
Pituitary Issue Resolved: Teenager Rayne describes how good she feels
after her 1'st healing session!
QUOTE: Â "I feel positive and don't feel afraid of going to sleep tonight! I also feel like I just got a massage! I feel very peaceful, lighter and happy and I can take a deep breath. Thank you Ellie" Martha V, New Jersey
 P.S.: I work with children, young adults and adults and can work with them just as effectively using their photo only, if needed!

I helped Jenny and her daughter with a number of issues...
I also healed Jenny's parents of COVID!
My 5'th book as a contributing author, called "Good to the Last Drop!"
 is coming out end of May!
I have been invited for a 2'nd interview on the Athena In Truth Podcast, May 24 and will be sending it out shortly after!

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed., Metaphysician, Shaman, Medium
Effective, remote healing for individuals, couples, children and pets.
 *All sessions for you, your child or your pet are facilitated by Phone/Skype or a photo in the comfort of your own home